
Chidambaram Temple

The post will cover about the details about Chidambaram temple, places to visit and also about my experience during my Visit. The audience can navigate to the respective portions as per their interests but would suggest to spend time to get a holistic picture and more details. About the place: The Nataraj Temple Chidambaram is also referred as Thillai Nataraj Temple is located in Chidambaram.There are five natural elements and Chidambaram is one of the Pancha bootha temples.Chidambaram Temple denotes akasha(Space/Sky), the other four are Thiruvannamalai Arunachaleswara (fire),Kalahasthi denotes Wind, Kanchi Ekambareswar denotes land, Thiruvanaikaval Jambukeswara,Trichy (water). The Chidambaram temple is one of the few temples which has both Shiva and Vishnu Deities at a single place. Also is a place where Lord Shiva exists in 3 forms, in most of the Temples Lord Shiva would be in the form of ‘Lingam’ but here he is in three forms 1) as Natarajar (Ananda Tandava posture) 2) in t